
Make a difference today!

Make a difference today!

Your support matters! From providing education scholarships to making possible the next great scientific discoveries, your VMNH Annual Fund contribution will help expand science education, research and exhibits throughout the Commonwealth and beyond during the coming year.

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Your Tax-deductible Annual Fund Contribution Supports...

Hands-on education programs
Together with “at-the-museum” and outreach programs, your support will help reach students across the Commonwealth through the Distance Learning program.

Science Festivals
Your support makes possible a variety of festivals with unique themes, including dinosaurs, reptiles, bugs, and even dragons! Thanks to your Annual Fund support, these popular festivals draw thousands of visitors from across the region, with over 70% coming from outside Martinsville-Henry County.

Globally significant research
Thanks to you, VMNH scientists and colleagues made new scientific discoveries, published the results of groundbreaking research, and reached lifelong learners across the Commonwealth and beyond.

Exhibits at the museum and at sites statewide and beyond
With your help, new displays and exhibits continue to open at VMNH, with traveling exhibits on display in Ohio, South Carolina and North Carolina.

Your support will inspire the students of today who may become the scientists and leaders of tomorrow. To learn more about how you can support VMNH, please contact us today.

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map of Virginia and surrounding areas

Please Visit Us Soon


Tuesday - Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday - Monday: Closed


$10 for ages 18-59
$5 for ages 3-17, seniors 60+, and college students
FREE for children under 3, museum members, and members of ASTC participating institutions

We had a great time looking at the exhibits. There are a number of interactive things (not available during Covid, ...

Debbie G.

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