
Volunteer Opportunities Available

Volunteer Opportunities Available

VMNH Volunteer Program

  • Uncovering ancient fossils
  • Leading tomorrow's scientists on school group visits
  • Helping to develop new exhibit experiences
  • And much more!

Our people are our greatest asset at the Virginia Museum of Natural History, from our staff to our dedicated volunteers. Museum volunteers play a crucial role in the day-to-day operations of the museum. From interpreters leading guided tours of the exhibit galleries for school children, to volunteers cleaning fossils in the museum's paleontology lab, the museum has a place for everyone, whatever your interest. If you are interested in volunteering at the museum, VMNH is currently looking for volunteers to help in:

  • Education
  • Research and Collections
  • Administrative Support
  • Buildings & Grounds Support

To talk to someone about volunteering at the museum, please call Lynette Perkins, volunteer manager, at 276-403-8522 or at lynette.perkins@vmnh.virginia.gov

Education Volunteers

The museum's innovative education programs reach students, teachers, and the general public statewide and throughout the region. From "at-the-museum" programs to outreach education programs that bring the museum to locations across the Commonwealth, the museum's education programs are correlated directly to the Virginia Standards of Learning, the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and national content standards. VMNH educators are leaders in the field of informal science education throughout the state, providing a vital link between the museum's important programs and all citizens of Virginia and beyond.

Adult Education Volunteers
VMNH Education Volunteers are interpreters of the museum's educational experience and an active group of individuals who are committed to educating and inspiring the public about Virginia's natural history. Education volunteers: work in an welcoming and friendly environment; help to plan and participate in periodic training workshops, social events, and group field trips; work closely with museum staff in an inclusive, dynamic, and team-oriented program; and, use their special talents, skills, or knowledge to share with people of all ages while leading interactive presentations and programs at the museum and outreach programs in the community. A short training session is provided to all new volunteers and ongoing training is provided at least once a month. Volunteers can choose from flexible times and days to work and are expected to participate on a regular basis as an Education Volunteer or a more rigorous program as a Volunteer Interpreter.

Education Interns
The Virginia Museum of Natural History Department of Education and Public Programs is looking for motivated, energetic undergraduate and graduate students interested in exploring museum education as a career. Interns explore how to design, present and evaluate educational and public programming. Interns will gain valuable, real-world experience in an inclusive, mission-driven, collegial environment, while being mentored by supportive VMNH education staff. The interns will learn about and participate in a wide variety of educational programs offered at VMNH and will assist staff with various projects relating to program design, development, implementation and evaluation. QUALIFICATIONS:  Undergraduates, Recent Graduates or Graduate Students. Experience or coursework in science education, general education or museum studies required.

Youth Volunteers
VMNH Youth Volunteers are always learning but have lots of fun too! VMNH is actively looking for motivated youth to volunteer at the museum! Youth Volunteers ages 13 to 18 can assist museum staff with special events, summer camps, exhibit tours, animal care, and various other projects. Volunteering at the museum is a great way to gain valuable work experience and count your time toward community service hours.

Those interested in volunteering or interning within the Education department should email discover@vmnh.virginia.gov or call 634-4187 to learn more.

Research & Collections Volunteers

VMNH has developed a strong reputation for significant research and important collections, which now number more than 10 million items. Research at VMNH, led by its six doctoral curators and curator emeritus, focuses on studies of Paleontology, Recent Invertebrates, Archaeology, Mammalogy and Geology. While the museum's primary geographic strengths are in Virginia and the Southeastern United States, the collections and research programs span the globe with programs in China, Peru, Brazil, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Russia and Tanzania.  To inquire about opportunities to become a museum Research and Collections volunteer, contact Lynette Perkins.

Exhibit Volunteers

In addition to its important programs in research, collections, and education, the museum also features award-winning permanent and temporary exhibits both at the museum and through remote sites. Along with the museum's permanent exhibitions, the museum's special exhibits that rotate on a continual basis help to translate the museum's groundbreaking scientific research into easily understood language and concepts that supplement and highlight the Virginia Standards of Learning and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. From the permanent exhibit galleries Uncovering Virginia and How Nature Works to the new Hahn Hall of Biodiversity and the Fossil Overlook, the museum's exhibits connect visitors to the stories of Virginia's natural past, present and future.  To inquire about opportunities to become a exhibits volunteer, contact Lynette Perkins.

Administrative and Museum Grounds

The museum relies heavily on its dedicated volunteers to accomplish its day-to-day duties.  If you have an interest and/or experience in administrative or grounds work, please contact Lynette Perkins to learn what opportunities are available to volunteer at the museum.

map of Virginia and surrounding areas

Please Visit Us Soon


Tuesday - Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday - Monday: Closed


$10 for ages 18-59
$5 for ages 3-17, seniors 60+, and college students
FREE for children under 3, museum members, and members of ASTC participating institutions

Blown away with the displays for a smaller museum. Also an incredible value. If you're passing through with a coupl...

Aaron C.

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