News Articles

Yesterday, Dr
October 30, 2015
Yesterday, Dr. Joe Keiper initiated a new dress code policy for all museum employees. Today, this happens. We promise it's because of Halloween, Joe! L to R: Gloria Niblett, Justin Sedor, Diane Clark, Jill Harris, Amanda Howell, JoAnn Shellhammer-Fox, Christina Byrd, Dr. Denny Casey, Rhonda Casey, Katie Hastings
How to play: At the beginning of each week ...
October 27, 2015
How to play: At the beginning of each week, a photo of an architectural detail will be released on the blog. Think you know what building it comes from? A structure can be a building, a bridge, an arch, a sculpture – if it was constructed, it's a structure. Post your guess in the comment section on the blog. Later in the week, the location will be revealed, along with a statement about why it's important. #exploringvirginia
October 23, 2015 #exploringvirginia

Sean Amidon of Cold Blooded Encounters (left) and Dr
October 23, 2015
Sean Amidon of Cold Blooded Encounters (left) and Dr. Alex Hastings (right), assistant curator of paleontology, are having a great time with a young crocodile as we prepare for the Reptile Day festival on October 24! #VMNHReptileDay #VMNH #VisitMartinsville

October 23, 2015
Dr. Alex Hastings, assistant curator of paleontology, and Christina Byrd, paleontology technician (with Corny the resident corn snake hanging out on Christina's shoulders) deliver fun lessons to hundreds of area school children during #VMNHReptileDay student day. Don't miss the Reptile Day festival on Saturday, October 24 at #VMNH #VisitMartinsville
Thank you to new VMNH Corporate Partners T
October 21, 2015
Thank you to new VMNH Corporate Partners T. R. Properties, Titan America, Sarver Cleaning, and Mallinak Family Dentistry! From Non-Profit partners to VMNH Circle supporters, #VMNH Corporate Partners at all levels provide vital support for important museum programs in Research, Education and Exhibits. Thank you for your support!
Treasure Hunt of Local Architectural Details How to play: At the beginning of each week ...
October 20, 2015
Treasure Hunt of Local Architectural Details How to play: At the beginning of each week, a photo of an architectural detail will be released on the blog. Think you know what building it comes from? A structure can be a building, a bridge, an arch, a sculpture – if it was constructed, it's a structure. Post your guess in the comment section here on the blog. Later in the week, the location will be revealed, along with a statement about why it's important./ #exploringvirginia #VMNH

Corny ...
October 20, 2015
Corny, the #VMNH resident corn snake, is super excited to welcome hundreds of fellow reptiles and thousands of humans at the Reptile Day festival on October 24! #VMNHReptileDay
The Virginia Museum of Natural History is proud to be part of the 2015 Virginia Science ...
October 19, 2015
The Virginia Museum of Natural History is proud to be part of the 2015 Virginia Science Festival, featuring a full month dedicated to STEM events happening around Virginia providing families with hands-on experiences that will inspire a wonder in science for all ages. Don't miss the Reptile Day festival on October 24 at VMNH! #ReptileDay Virginia Science Festival
Visualizing & Exhibiting Anthropology: VCU Students 3D Scan ...
October 17, 2015
Visualizing & Exhibiting Anthropology: VCU Students 3D Scan, Print & Hand Paint Hundreds of Artifacts for Virginia Museum of Natural History Exhibit.

The Virginia Museum of Natural History recently received the first ever Centers for Excellence ...
October 16, 2015
The Virginia Museum of Natural History recently received the first ever Centers for Excellence in Environmental Education award presented by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation at the Virginia Environmental Education Conference at Natural Bridge. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to environmental education across Virginia. VMNH is one of 14 agencies across the Commonwealth to be recognized. Accepting on behalf of the museum is Dr. Denny Casey, Director of Education & Public Programs at VMNH (left).

The 2015 Reptile Day Festival is Saturday, October 24 from 10 a
October 15, 2015
The 2015 Reptile Day Festival is Saturday, October 24 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Virginia Museum of Natural History in Martinsville! Squash your reptile fears and entertain your scaley curiosities with a plethora of live reptile displays, special presentations by reptile experts, games, crafts, balloon animals, temporary tattoos, and much more! Be sure to view our 2014 Reptile Day photo album to get an idea of the type of fun to be had this year! Admission is only $5/adult, $4/ages 3-18, and FREE for children under 3 and museum members. Special thanks to our event sponsors River Community Bank, Bassett Furniture, and Memorial Hospital of Martinsville and Henry County! ...
October 12, 2015

We're at the Danville-Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce Trade Show tonight and tomorrow
October 12, 2015
We're at the Danville-Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce Trade Show tonight and tomorrow. Be sure to swing by our booth, if you plan to attend!

The grand prize winners of our 10th Annual VMNH Foundation Golf Tournament from Friday ...
October 10, 2015
The grand prize winners of our 10th Annual VMNH Foundation Golf Tournament from Friday, October 9, 2015! Many more photos to come...
The Virginia Museum of Natural History is proud to be part of the first annual Brewster Walk ...
October 7, 2015
The Virginia Museum of Natural History is proud to be part of the first annual Brewster Walk event on Oct. 10, with proceeds to benefit local charities.
Treasure Hunt of Local Architectural Details - at the beginning of each week ...
October 6, 2015
Treasure Hunt of Local Architectural Details - at the beginning of each week, a photo of an architectural detail will be released on the blog. Think you know what building it comes from? A structure can be a building, a bridge, an arch, a sculpture – if it was constructed, it's a structure. Post your guess in the comment section here on the blog. Later in the week, the location will be revealed, along with a statement about why it's important.

Join us tomorrow, Tuesday, October 6 from 5:30 to 6:30 p
October 5, 2015
Join us tomorrow, Tuesday, October 6 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the museum for an open house with behind-the-scenes access to the VMNH Archaeology Lab as part of Virginia Archaeology Month! Admission to the event is free. Join VMNH Archaeologist Lucy Treado in a behind-the-scenes tour of the archaeology laboratory. Visitors will see some of the new collections recently donated to VMNH, see how researchers process and identify artifacts, and learn about current volunteer opportunities. If you are unable to attend on the 6th, the event will take place again on Tuesday, October 13th from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
The museum was a proud participant at this year's Southern Virginia Career Choice Expo!
October 2, 2015
The museum was a proud participant at this year's Southern Virginia Career Choice Expo! The event exposed students to hands-on activities by inspirational professionals to ignite students' imaginations to unlimited career opportunities in Southern Virginia. Click to learn more about the museum's participation, as documented in the museum's official Research & Collections Blog!
Virginia Commonwealth University anthropology students recently helped design the "Exploring ...
October 1, 2015
Virginia Commonwealth University anthropology students recently helped design the "Exploring Virginia" exhibit, now open at the Virginia Museum of Natural History. #VMNH #WhatWillYouDiscover

VMNH staff are sharing museum information with over 4 ...
October 1, 2015
VMNH staff are sharing museum information with over 4,000 7th, 9th and 10th graders from surrounding school systems at the 2nd annual Career Choice event in Chatham. #VMNH #sovacareerexpo

VMNH is proud to announce Trista Grey as the museum's Volunteer of the Month for October!
October 1, 2015
VMNH is proud to announce Trista Grey as the museum's Volunteer of the Month for October! Trista has been a tremendous help throughout the museum, spending much of her time as part of the visitor services team. Thank you, Trista, for all you do!

Please Visit Us Soon
Tuesday - Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday - Monday: Closed
$10 for ages 18-59
$5 for ages 3-17, seniors 60+, and college students
FREE for children under 3, museum members, and members of ASTC participating institutions
My 4 year old son loves going to the museum. The exhibits are educational, interactive and kid-friendly.