News Articles
It is #TriviaTuesday!
June 30, 2015
It is #TriviaTuesday! The question is: What type of injury led to Big Al's death? See more about it in the video below, and leave your answer if you think you know what it is! #WhatWillYouDiscover?

We're open Independence Day from 9 a
June 29, 2015
We're open Independence Day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.! If you are looking for a great way to escape the heat and have fun before the evening fireworks, bring the family to the museum to experience life-size dinosaur casts, real dino fossils, and interactive exhibits!

Don't miss out on our Adventure Camps!
June 26, 2015
Don't miss out on our Adventure Camps! We still have plenty of upcoming camps to choose from, but they're filling up fast! Scholarships are available for those who qualify! Campers can bring their own lunch or participate in the community-wide free lunch program. Ages 3-5 Doodle Bugs! Summer Splash! Date: July 8 - 10 Doodle Bugs! Construction Zone! Date: July 22 - 24 Doodle Bugs! Sense Scientists! Date: August 5 - 7 Ages 6-8 Super You! Date: June 29 - July 3 POWwow! Date: July 13 - 17 Camp Bug Out! Date: July 27 - 31 Build That! Date: August 3 - 7 Ages 9-11 Earth Explorations Date: June 29 - July 3 Junior Naturalists Date: July 6 - 10 Museum Mayhem! Date: July – 13 – 17 Junior Engineers Date: ...
It's time for our #TriviaTuesday answer!
June 26, 2015
It's time for our #TriviaTuesday answer! We had asked: Why is there a boat in front of the museum? Watch the video below for the answer, and make sure to tune in next week for our next question! #WhatWillYouDiscover?
Join us in learning about the museum with our first ever video series, called "Sincerely, Big Al"!
June 24, 2015
Join us in learning about the museum with our first ever video series, called "Sincerely, Big Al"! Our first episode takes you on a journey through the museum to understand how our WeatherBug system works. We will also show how you can access the data for your own personal use! Our WeatherBug can be accessed directly here:

It's #TriviaTuesday!
June 23, 2015
It's #TriviaTuesday! If you've visited the museum recently then you probably noticed the boat that is sitting out front. We want to know how many people really know what this boat has to do with the museum! Comment your answers below! And don't forget to like and share so that we can hear as many answers as possible! The answer will be posted on Friday June 26th!

Mtn' Jax recently hosted live music by the "Coprolites," featuring VMNH Executive Director Dr
June 23, 2015
Mtn' Jax recently hosted live music by the "Coprolites," featuring VMNH Executive Director Dr. Joe Keiper (at left on guitar). Thanks to the generosity of Mtn' Jax, proceeds from the show directly supported museum education programs. Thank you to Mtn' Jax and other VMNH Corporate Partners for making our programs possible!

Marketing intern Eddie Bowman is channeling his inner Chris Pratt by taming the Acrocanthosaurus!
June 23, 2015
Marketing intern Eddie Bowman is channeling his inner Chris Pratt by taming the Acrocanthosaurus! #jurassiczookeeper #prattkeeping #VMNH

Our summer marketing interns ...
June 19, 2015
Our summer marketing interns, Eddie Bowman and Jessica Hubbard are working hard creating the new discovery series! Stay tuned for their first installment coming soon! #WhatWillYouDiscover #SincerelyBigAl

It's barbecue, beer and
June 19, 2015
It's barbecue, beer and...bugs! The museum is the place to be on August 14 as we host "Bugs, Beer & BBQ" inside and outside the museum. Enjoy a variety of beer choices from Sunken City Brewery and the amazing barbecue of Mtn' Jax Restaurant & Pub! Register for the Corn Hole Tournament and compete for museum prizes! Good people. Good fun. Good times! Attendees must be 21 or older. Tickets are $25 at the door. To register for the Corn Hole Tournament, please contact us at To purchase you tickets online, please visit,-beer-bbq. #vmnh
It's Thursday, which means it's time for the answer to our question from #TriviaTuesday!
June 18, 2015
It's Thursday, which means it's time for the answer to our question from #TriviaTuesday! The question was: Why would a museum have a carbon dioxide (CO2) room? Watch the video below to find out why! Also, we would like to acknowledge Bernadette Moore for answering our question correctly. Good job! #WhatWillYouDiscover?

It's a beautiful morning at the museum!
June 18, 2015
It's a beautiful morning at the museum! Stop by today and see our award winning exhibits and collections! Don't forget to stop by the Paleo Cafe and museum store during your visit!

Adventure Egypt Campers show off their art work they worked hard on!
June 17, 2015
Adventure Egypt Campers show off their art work they worked hard on! These campers still have a busy week of constructing pyramids, designing your own tomb, and even racing mummies during their voyage back in time. Don't forget to sign up for upcoming camps! We have camps for ages 3-11! Don't let your child miss out on the adventures that await! Upcoming Camps! Doodle Bugs! Summer Splash! (ages 3-5) Date: July 8 - 10 Time: 9:30-11:30 a.m. Fee: $30 members/ $35 non members Registration deadline: June 24 Make a splash this summer at the Virginia Museum of Natural History! Join us as we learn about water through games, songs, stories, crafts, and fun exploration. Be prepared to get wet! Super You! (ages 6-8) Date: ...
June 17, 2015 The excitement of "Jurassic World" doesn't have to end with the closing credits! As VMNH's Ray Vodden points out in an interview with WSLS 10 News (NBC), VMNH is a perfect place to come to see life-size dinosaur casts and actual dinosaur fossils!

Keep an eye out tonight for a story on WSLS 10 featuring our Research Technician, Ray Vodden
June 16, 2015
Keep an eye out tonight for a story on WSLS 10 featuring our Research Technician, Ray Vodden. Ray was a part of the opening weekend of Jurassic World at the Danville Cinema Stadium 12. Check out this highlight tonight at 5:30 pm on Channel 10! Thank you Aaron Martin WSLS for stopping by to cover this story!
The museum's front parking lot will be closed tomorrow for maintenance
June 16, 2015
The museum's front parking lot will be closed tomorrow for maintenance. If you are visiting the museum on Wednesday, please enter the parking lot from the rear entrance on Oakdale Street and park at the side of the building. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience!
Check out the great article about the museum from this Sunday's paper!
June 16, 2015
Check out the great article about the museum from this Sunday's paper! Thank you Martinsville Bulletin for the coverage, and thank you to our sponsors: Southwestern Piedmont Master Naturalists, Kiwanis, and the Virginia Museum of Natural History Foundation. To learn more about Corporate Partnerships and sponsorships, please visit

#TriviaTuesday The museum has many labs that all have specific uses ...
June 16, 2015
#TriviaTuesday The museum has many labs that all have specific uses, most of which people do not know about. We are beginning our #WhatWillYouDiscover series that aims to highlight these labs and what they are used for. A video will be posted later in the week with the answer and a look into these specific areas. Question: Why would a museum have a carbon dioxide (CO2) room? Comment with the answer!
Before mounts can be displayed in exhibits ...
June 12, 2015
Before mounts can be displayed in exhibits, they must go through a cleaning process to make sure they look their best. Have you ever wondered what all goes into that process? Well, look no further! The video below takes you step-by-step, including the procedure, tools, and gear you would need to successfully clean a mount. #WhatWillYouDiscover?

We are at the Danville Cinema 12 to promote Jurassic World with some fossils from the museum!
June 12, 2015
We are at the Danville Cinema 12 to promote Jurassic World with some fossils from the museum! We will be at the cinema for opening weekend! Make sure to stop by and see us and speak with our paleontology research technician Ray Vodden. It is only $10 to see the exciting new movie! #whatwillyoudiscover

The kids are having a blast at the Nature Rangers Summer Adventure Camp for ages 6-8!
June 11, 2015
The kids are having a blast at the Nature Rangers Summer Adventure Camp for ages 6-8! Campers have been discovering the amazing plants and animals that call our backyard home, as they've been exploring the trails and natural areas around VMNH and Fairy Stone State Park. Just a small sample of the games and activities that the campers have been participating in include the "Bat & Moth" game, in which the blindfolded 'bat' has to rely on sense of hearing to find and tag the moth, as well as a macroinvertebrate hunt at Fairy Stone State Park, where the children learned which types of creatures call the water home. Plenty of camps remain open for enrollment throughout the summer! Visit to ...
Much work and detail goes into the completion and care of fossil replicas
June 9, 2015
Much work and detail goes into the completion and care of fossil replicas. Check it out in this video spotlight on the casting and molding program in our very own Paleontology Lab, here in Martinsville, Virginia! If you would like to learn more about what they do and their current projects, visit their page on our website at

We'd like to welcome Jessica Hubbard to the museum as our latest intern for the summer!
June 9, 2015
We'd like to welcome Jessica Hubbard to the museum as our latest intern for the summer! Serving as Media Intern, Jessica will be heavily involved in producing video content for the museum, with a strong focus on the scientific research conducted at VMNH every day. Jessica, a native of Bassett, Virginia, is pursuing a degree in atmospheric science at Cornell University and aims to apply her internship experience towards a future in meteorology and broadcasting. Welcome aboard, Jessica!

Our Nature Rangers are out and about today learning about amazing plants and animals that call ...
June 8, 2015
Our Nature Rangers are out and about today learning about amazing plants and animals that call the area around VMNH home. These Nature Rangers can be seen taking a moment to close their eyes and listen to the nature around them before they compared the different sounds of nature that they heard. These Rangers have a full week of fun learning ahead of them! If anyone would like to register for our upcoming camps contact us at 276-634-4185 or and remember scholarships are available!

Project WET Workshop for Educators is at the museum today!
June 5, 2015
Project WET Workshop for Educators is at the museum today! This professional development workshop gives school teachers, troop or pack leaders, and organization educators tools and ideas to teach children about water education. It's been a great day of learning with these educators! We were able to get a picture of the educators after they completed their water cycle bracelets. The museum thanks you all for participating in the workshop. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
The museum is looking for eager volunteers!
June 4, 2015
The museum is looking for eager volunteers! Our archaeology and paleontology labs are looking for volunteers who can help with different projects! There is no prior experience necessary! Our curators and research assistant will train on what you will be working on. If you are interested in volunteering with the museum please contact us! To speak with someone about volunteering at the museum, please call Diane Clark, visitor services manager, at 276-634-4147 or at This video shows a typical day at the museum, and how many different things a volunteer can do during one day in the lab!
Summer Adventure Camps are in full swing here at the museum!
June 3, 2015
Summer Adventure Camps are in full swing here at the museum! We would love to offer the opportunity to as many children as we can! Thanks to the VMNH Foundation, Southwestern Piedmont Masters Naturalists, and the Kiwanis Club we are able to offer a limited number of scholarships. These scholarships provide registration for one week of camp per applicant! Please complete a scholarship request form and camp registration for consideration. Upcoming Camps! Ages 3-5 Doodle Bug, change is coming! Deadline is June 10th! Ages 6-8 Adventure Egypt, deadline past but we will hold it open until the end of the week! Super You, deadline is June 12th! Ages 9-11 Mad Scientists Club! Deadline has past but we will hold it open until ...
Join us for our professional developmental workshop "Schoolyard Botany" for K–5 educators ...
June 2, 2015
Join us for our professional developmental workshop "Schoolyard Botany" for K–5 educators presented by the Flora of Virginia Project and the Virginia Museum of Natural History. Inspire your students to love the outdoors, and meet your SOLs at the same time! Join award-winning Virginia STEM educator Barbara Adcock in exploring plants and their connections with culture, history, and art. You will use a selection of Barbara's 13 lesson plans inspired by the Flora of Virginia and the 2014 exhibition of the same name at the Library of Virginia. Lesson plans are keyed to combinations of K–5 SOLs in science, math, English, history, and art. Each will open with an activity of sensory observation to encourage subjective ...

Don't miss live music each Friday night in June at Mtn ' Jax
June 1, 2015
Don't miss live music each Friday night in June at Mtn ' Jax. Be sure to stop by on June 19 for a VMNH fundraiser featuring Executive Director Dr. Joe Keiper, Larry Hoyt, and Chris Wood. Learn more at

Summer Adventure Camps began today!
June 1, 2015
Summer Adventure Camps began today! These campers are eager to explore the wonderful world of water during our Go with the Flow camp. These campers will be with us all week! To signup for our upcoming camps visit our website, or call us at 276-634-4185

Please Visit Us Soon
Tuesday - Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday - Monday: Closed
$10 for ages 18-59
$5 for ages 3-17, seniors 60+, and college students
FREE for children under 3, museum members, and members of ASTC participating institutions
My 4 year old son loves going to the museum. The exhibits are educational, interactive and kid-friendly.